This opinion may be correct if it is based on the assumption that the "next level" or next career of a programmer is to become a consultant, systems analyst or leader of a technology company. This view is very natural because based on the need for self-actualization, every human being definitely needs to increase their career and income. However, if this view is based on the assumption that coding is a burden or unpleasant work and is considered "low" work (at the lower level), then I disagree.

Perception Challenges in Society

In most areas in Indonesia, currently programmers are not respected as they should be. Based on data from BPS in 2023, of the total 133 million workers in Indonesia, only around 0.4% are registered as programmers or software developers. This figure is much lower than neighboring countries such as Singapore (2.1%) or Malaysia (1.3%).

In the area, programming is considered an "easy" and "unimportant" job because what is done is "only.." or "only..". The harsh language might be "babu" and "typist" who work behind the scenes.

Root of the Problem

Why is it like that? Some of the main factors:

  • Programmers do not interact directly with customers or users
  • Communication gap between programmers and business teams
  • Lack of public understanding of the complexity of programming work
  • Low self-value of the programmers themselves, seen from setting service prices that are too cheap

Coding, work or hobby?

I did a little research by asking Claude AI (I call it research 😅) with the question: "Are Bill Gates, Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg no longer coding?" Claude answered that Bill Gates had not been coding since focusing on leading Microsoft. Elon Musk also focuses more on the business aspects and technological vision and not directly coding. Meanwhile, Mark Zuckerberg still occasionally codes, but his role now is more towards strategic leadership. So, the general pattern of tech company founders is that they started out as programmers but then moved on to business and leadership aspects.

However, are they no longer coding at all? I do not think so. They may not code directly, but they are still in touch with technology and coding. They may not write code, but they still understand code and technology. They may not make apps, but they still understand how apps are made. Their technical understanding still helps in decision making and business strategies related to technology.

According to my personal experience, coding is a fun activity. How could I not, I can understand the problem and solve it in my own way. No matter how bad I write, no one protests or complains (except my application users 😅). I can experiment and express in my own way.

Stop coding now?

Yesterday I saw content on Youtube. He stated that coding is the last skill that must be learned. According to him, the more important ability is the ability to "COMMUNICATE". Programmers don't get decent jobs not because of their lack of ability, but because of their lack of ability to "show off" their abilities. Others won't notice if we don't show it.

A good programmer is a programmer who can communicate well (interaction with users, teams and other people). Almost all programmers can solve technical problems, almost all programmers have basic skills in writing code. But, not all programmers can communicate well.

Does this mean we should stop coding? of course not. Keep sharpening your technical skills, keep learning new things, keep experimenting and expressing. With good technical skills coupled with good communication skills, we will become "valuable" programmers. Success can come from various paths. Some are successful as tech experts/specialists, consultants, building digital products, or becoming technology content creators.

The future of programmers

The most important thing is that we have to understand that coding is an important job and not easy. Programming is a job that is needed and appreciated. However, apart from technical skills, other abilities are also needed such as communication, marketing, leadership and business skills. Always look around, find problems and create solutions, create greater added value. You are a "creator" who can make something from "zero" to "valuable".